Πρόταση για μελέτη (Αρχαιογνωσία, Πολιτική σκέψη)

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Matteo Zaccarini, “What’s Love got to do with it? Eros, Democracy, and Pericles’ Rhetoric”  (article/paper) – in: Greek, Roman, and Byzantine Studies, 58 (2018), pp. 473-489
[ Segments of Matteo Zaccarini’s paper on “Eros, Democracy, and Pericle’s Rhetoric”:
/ - 1. Erastai of the Cityεραστάς γιγνομένους αυτής (της πόλεως)»
/ - 2. Eros and the visual metaphor
/ - 3. Eros and tyranny
/ - 4. Eros and democracy
/ - 5. Eros and philia

/ - 6. Conclusion    ]